Paper guidelines

Style Guidelines

Submitted works, publications may be published in Eurasian Research Journal if they meet all the requirements of publications policy.

In general, following rules are to apply to writing for Eurasian Research Journal articles:

1. Title of the article: Title should be suitable for the content and one that expresses it best, and should be in bold letters. The title should consist of 10-12 words at the most.

2. Name(s) and address(es) of the author(s): Names and surnames are written bold, addresses in normal italic letters; the institution the author is associated with, her/his contact and e-mail addresses should also be specified.

3. Abstract: At the beginning, the article should include an abstract in Turkish and English, briefly and laconically expressing the subject in minimum 75, in maximum 150 words. There should be no reference to used sources, figure and chart numbers. Leaving one line empty after the body of abstract, there should be key words, minimum 5 and maximum 8 words.

4. Main Text: Should be typed in MS Word program in Times New Roman or similar font type, 10 type size and 1,5 line on A4 format (29/7x21cm) paper. There should 2,5 cm free space on the margins and pages should be numbered. Articles should not exceed 7.000 words. Passages that need emphasizing should not be bold but in italic. Quotations should be in italic and with quotation marks; in quotations less than 5 lines between lines and those longer than 5 lines should be typed with indent of 1,5 cm in block and with 1 line space.

5. Section Headings: Main, interval and sub-headings can be used in order to obtain the well-arranged narration of information in the article and these headings may be numbered if necessary. Main headings (main sections, references and appendices) should be in capital letters; interval and sub-headings should be bold and their first letters in capital letters; at the end of the sub-headings writing should continue on the same line after a colon (:).

6. Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and captions. In tables, vertical lines should not be used. Horizontal lines should be used only to separate subtitles within the table. The table number should be written at the top, aligned to the left, and should not be in italics. The caption should be written in italics, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Tables should be placed where they are most appropriate in the text. Figures should be prepared in accordance with black-and-white printing. The numbers and captions of the figures should be centered right below the figures. The figure numbers should be written in italics followed by a full-stop. The caption should immediately follow the number. It should not be written in italics, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Below are sample tables and figures.

Table 1: Information about x publication.

Types of publication


Number of pages

Number of cited works































7. Pictures: Should be on highly contrasted photo papers. Furthermore, rules for figures and tables are applied to pictures as well. In special cases, color pictures may be printed.

The number of pages for figures, tables and pictures should not exceed 10 pages (one-third of article). Authors having the necessary technical equipment and software may themselves insert the related figures, drawings and pictures into the text. Those without, shall leave the proportional size of empty spaces for pictures within the text, numbering them.

8. Citations: Endnotes should only be used for explanation, and at the end of the text.

References within the text should be given in parentheses as follow:

(Köprülü 1944); (Köprülü 1944: 15)

When sources with several authors are referred, the name of the first author is given and for others ‘et. al' is added.

(Gökay et al. 2002)

Authors should avoid using footnotes as much as possible. Footnotes should be used only for explanations and numbered automatically. In order to indicate sources in footnotes, authors should use the principles of in-text citation.

Full reference, including the names of all authors should be given in the list of references. If the name of the referred author is given within the text, then only the publication date should be written:

“Tanpınar (1976: 131) on this issue ….”

In the sources and manuscripts with no publication date, only the name of the author; in encyclopedias and other sources without authors, only the name of the source should be written.

In secondary sources quoted, original source should also be pointed to:

“Köprülü (1926) .....” (in Çelik 1998).

Personal interviews can be indicated by giving the last name(s) and the date(s); moreover they should be stated in the references. (15.12.2002)

9. References: Should be at the end of the text in alphabetical order, in one of the ways shown below. If there are more than one source by the same author, then they will be listed according to their publication date; sources of the same author published in the same year will be shown as (1980a, 1980b):

Karahan, Leyla ve Ülkü Gürsoy (2004). Kavâid-ı Lisân-ı Türkî 1893. Ankara: TDK.

Köprülü, Mehmet Fuat (1961). Azeri Edebiyatının Tekâmülü. İstanbul: MEB Yay.

Shaw, Stanford (1982). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu. Çev. Mehmet Harmancı, İstanbul: Sermet Matb.

Timurtaş, F. Kadri (1951). "Fatih Devri Şairlerinden Cemalî ve Eserleri". İÜ Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi IV (3): 189-213.


The articles duly prepared in accordance with the principles set forth are to be sent in three copies; one original, two photocopied forms with a compact disc, to Eurasian Research Journal at the address given below. The last corrected fair copies in original figures are to reach Eurasian Research Journal not later than one month. Minor editing may be done by the Editorial Board.